
Toward Understanding the Ecological Impact of Transportation Corridors - General Technical Report, PNW-GTR-846, July 2011
Transportation corridors (notably roads) affect wildlife habitat, populations, and entire ecosystems. Considerable effort has been expended to quantify direct effects of roads on wildlife populations and ecological communities and processes. Much less effort has been expended toward quantifying indirect effects. In this report, we provide a comprehensive review of road/transportation corridor ecology; in particular, how this new field of ecology has advanced worldwide.

Oregon State University Bioacoustics Group - The OSU bioacoustics group is an interdisciplinary collaboration between researchers in ecology and machine learning, under the umbrella of the IGERT ecoinformatics program. Our goal is to better understand bird populations in the H.J. Andrews long term experimental research forest, through computational analysis of audio data.

Forest Management Guidelines to Protect Native Biodiversity in the Fundy Model Forest - In 1991 the Greater Fundy Ecosystem (GFE) project was established as a research and monitoring effort to provide the science support necessary to manage an ecologically sustainable landscape. This document provides a wide range of recommendations for forest management for biodiversity. 'Coarse-filter' guidelines included recommendations relating to patch size, connectivity, stream side buffers, mature-overmature forest classes, plantations, and protected areas. 'Fine-filter' guidelines included recommendations on coarse woody debris, snags and cavity trees, special tree status, and road density.