Betts Forest Landscape Ecology Lab

Our group studies the ways that landscape composition and pattern influence animal behavior, species distributions and ecosystem function. As humans are one of the primary drivers of landscape characteristics globally, much of our work is applied and focused on management and conservation. However, understanding mechanisms is key to generalization, so a central part of our research program is basic in nature and links landscape ecology to behavioral ecology, physiology, and molecular ecology. The complexity of ecological systems requires powerful tools that extend beyond ecology into other disciplines - particularly mathematics and computer science. Members of the lab engage actively in such interdisciplinary collaborations.


Matt Betts

Matthew G. Betts

Professor, Ruth Spaniol Chair
Dept. of Forest Ecosystems and Society,
Oregon State University

Lead Principal Investigator,
HJ Andrews Long-term Ecological Research Program

Adjunct Professor,
Dept. of Fisheries and Wildlife,

Courtesy Faculty,

Honorary Research Associate,
Faculty of Forestry and Environmental Management,
University of New Brunswick



2006-2007:  Post-Doctoral Fellow, Dartmouth College, N.H.

2000-2005:  Ph.D., Faculty of Forestry and Environmental Management, University of New Brunswick.

1996-1999:  B.Sc., Faculty of Forestry and Environmental Management, University of New Brunswick.

1993-1995:  M.A., Regional Planning and Resource Development, Faculty of Environmental Studies, University of Waterloo.

1988-1992:  B.A. Honours, Political Science, Queen's University.